New Port Richey Public Library 5939 Main St. New Port Richey, FL 34652 United States
The final chapter of Writers Week features a grand finale — our Local Author Showcase! Visit with local authors and illustrators to browse their published works and learn about the inspiration behind their creativity.
Learn how to make healthy snacks on a budget, how to add more fruits, vegetables and whole grains into your life, and how to choose drinks that support your health.
In honor of Women's History Month, we will be screening A League of Their Own (1992).
Grab your binoculars and join us for a birding scavenger hunt at the James E. Grey Preserve!
This month, we're painting like Bridget Riley!
Join us at the library for coffee and conversational Spanish. Connect with other Spanish speakers in the community and explore various Latinx authors week to week. Meets on the last Saturday of each month.
Are you a fan of anime and manga? Join us for Animonday, our monthly club where fellow enthusiasts gather to dive into all things anime and manga!
Come learn how to make your own apple scrapple vinegar and give your routine a boost! This can be used for its countless health benefits as well as a delicious salad dressing.
Think you've got what it takes to become a spelling bee champion?
In observance of Autism Acceptance Month, we will be screening Ezra (2023), which centers on comedian Max co-parenting autistic son Ezra with ex-wife Jenna.
Join us in raising awareness about this important keystone species – the gopher tortoise! We'll celebrate National Gopher Tortoise Day with kids activities and a viewing of the documentary Gopher Games.
Toggle the date picker: Apr 2023 April 2023